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Building an Equitable Culture | It presents a series of self-reflective questions that leaders can use to assess their impact on race equity and determine the steps they can take to address racial inequities in their organization.

Evaluating personal capital usage crucial for race equity leadership | Assessing how you have individually benefited from various types of capital is a vital step in leading your team toward race equity. Determining the racial implications of your own use of capital is essential.

Three types of capital | There are three types of capital: cultural (credentials, mannerisms, types of speech, cultural knowledge), social (supportive networks with access to valuable places and people), and economic (money).

Accountability for leaders in dismantling organizational racial inequities | Hold leaders responsible for identifying and changing the beliefs and practices perpetuating racial inequalities in their organization.


Remember, inclusion is how you keep diversity. A lack of diversity at any level should be seen as a problem within the system, not the people who are excluded from the system.

It is possible to hire people from various racial and ethnic backgrounds. It is possible to create an environment where everyone feels included and safe to be who they are. But without a focus on equity, people of color will begin to hit an impermeable barrier that is permeable to their white peers.

You cannot simply hire your way to race equity. You must dismantle all aspects of the systems within your organization that reinforce the inequities in the larger society.

In addition to the basics of a traditional accountability system with measurable targets and clear strategies on how to get there, accountability for race equity includes digging into the causes of the gaps you see in your data and the slowness of change.